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How to trim your hedges!


How to maintain your hedge

-Have the proper tools ie hand-held trimmer, long scissor-like trimmers, or gas/electric trimmer

-Hedges should only be trimmed as needed, but it's important to reshape them before they become overgrown. Aim for every 6-8 weeks and reduce frequently as the weather cools.

-For flowering hedges and shrubs, trimming will depend on when they bloom. Spring flowering shrubs should be cut after they bloom and summer ones should be cut in spring or winter.

How to trim

-Shear the interior and other obvious problem areas first, then use a power trimmer to refine the shape.

-Snip overgrown branches and limbs inside each bush. Clear enough space for sunlight and air to pass through and stimulate healthy growth.

-Slowly run the power trimmer along each side of the bush, little by little. Take frequent breaks to step back and assess the shape.

-Once you've achieved a clean and even edging, use the hand shears again to make any finishing touches.

-Leave the bottom wider than the top as this stimulates more growth and a healthier hedge

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