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Low Maintenance plants!


Here is a list of easy-going plants that can forgive the forgetful person taking care of them!

Aloe vera - Lighting- bright, indirect sunlight by a window or even low light areas are okay.

Temperature - Aloe prefers room temperatures so any home should do just fine.

Watering - water aloe deeply but then allow the soil to completely dry before watering again.

ZZ plant - Lighting - thrives in medium to bright indirect light.

water - once every 2 weeks allowing the soil to dry between waterings.

Temperature - Room temperature.

snake plant - Lighting - bright indirect light or even some direct light.

Temperature - room temperature is preferred, keep the plant in warmer spots in the house.

Watering - allow the soil to mostly dry out between waterings, check this by putting a chopstick in the soil to see.

Spider plant - Lighting - medium to bright indirect light, even some direct light.

Temperature - room temperature.

Watering - Keep soil moist and water roughly once a week.

cast iron plant - Lighting - Bright indirect light, or shady areas.

Temperature - Room temperature

Watering - allow the soil to completely dry out before watering again, it is a drought-tolerant plant that does not like soggy soil as it promotes root rot.

succulents - Lighting - direct sunlight, newly planted succulents need to be slowly introduced to direct sunlight slowly as it will scorch.

temperature - Room temperature

water - water soil directly allow drying before watering again

Clean - keep dust off the leaves of the succulents as it can block nutrients.

pothos - Lighting - Low to bright indirect sunlight.

Temperature - Room temperature

Watering - Allow soil to dry before watering again

lucky bamboo - Lighting - Medium to bright indirect sunlight

Temperature - Room temperature

Watering - Keep soil slightly damp, don't let soil get too dry.

cactus - Lighting - Bright indirect sunlight

Temperature - Room temperature to warmer temps

Watering - allow the soil to dry mostly between watering

philodendron - Lighting - Bright indirect sunlight.

Temperature - Room temperature.

Watering - Allow the top of the soil to dry between watering

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