Simple tips for watering your plants are as follows;
Know your plant! Is your plant a dry type - can handle dry soil for longer periods and even thrive on it. Moist type - needs the soil to be at least moist at all times.
Don't water the leaves or flower heads of the plant. It's better to focus the watering on the roots of the plants as that is where the plants grab water from.
Overwatering can harm your plant just as much as not watering enough. So pay attention to what watering needs your plants have.
Water your plants in the early morning or the evening when the weather is cooler, so the plants have time to absorb the water before it evaporates.
Protect the soil! Make sure to have some type of mulch, rocks anything to keep the soil below damp.
Drainage, make sure that whatever plant you are watering whether it be in a plant pot or a garden bed that it has proper drainage and won't be sitting in a bath of water.