Ground covers are both decorative and problem solvers. Ideal for preventing soil erosion and weed control.
Below you will find a list of some of the more common species of ground covers.

Alyssum is useful in alpine rock gardens, borders, planters, hanging baskets, and dry zones. Plants may get 3 to 6 inches (7.5 to 15 cm.) tall and produce clusters of tiny flowers in clumps. The blooms come in pink, salmon, purple, white, and yellow. Flowers arise from June to October and can be encouraged to rebloom by cutting back on spent flowers.

Woolly yarrow 10 to 15 cm tall, spacing 30 cm. Fine-cut silver foliage and light yellow flowers in June to July. Dry soil in full sun. The foliage persists in winter.

Lady's mantle 45 cm tall, spacing 60 cm. Lobed or wavy leaves with a fine down. Chartreuse-yellow flowers in May to June. The dwarf form has more silvery leaves. Full sun or partial shade.

Crown vetch 60 cm tall, spacing 60 cm. Bushy and upright with masses of pink flowers in June. Use on steep banks as erosion or weed control in the sun or partial shade.

Snow in summer 15 cm tall, spacing 45 to 60 cm. Silvery foliage was covered with white flowers in June. When used in borders, it should be checked by severe cutting back after flowering. Full sun on dry slopes.

Barrenwort 30 cm tall, spacing 30 cm. Also known as bishop's hat due to its unique flower shape. Fresh green leaves with red and bronze tints. Flowers are red, pink, yellow, or white. Sandy soil in sun to partial shade.

Sweet woodruff 15 to 30 cm, spacing 30 cm. Whorls of bright green, shiny leaves and masses of small, white flowers in June to July. Good underplanting for moist shade with slightly acidic soil.

Japanese spurge 20 cm tall, spacing 15 to 30 cm. Fully evergreen. Forms a weed-controlling mat. Green-white flowers from April to May. Shade to partial shade.

Ground phlox 10 to 15 cm tall, spacing 45 cm. Densely tufted, soft needle-like leaves. Pink, blue or white flower covering in May. Remains green in winter.

Irish and Scotch moss 5 cm tall, spacing 15 to 30 cm. Bright green or gold mossy foliage with tiny white flowers in June to July. Keep weed-free for best effects. Best in shade. Tolerates full sun in moist soil.

Dragon's blood stonecrop 15 cm tall, spacing 30 cm. Deep red foliage all season. Starry red flowers from July to August. Used on banks in full sun.