Spring is the perfect time to get your lawn in shape for the summer months. With a few simple steps, you can ensure that your lawn is healthy and looking its best. From fertilizing to mowing, here are some tips on how to prepare your lawn for spring and keep it looking great all season long.
Before you start, be sure to think about how long you are going to be away from your lawn. If you will not be around for a few weeks this season, it is best to begin the process with an application of a winterizer herbicide. This will prevent the growth of any weeds or grasses that may grow in your absence.
Aerate Your Lawn Before Fertilizing: Aeration involves digging up and removing the soil which exposes all sides of root systems so they can take in more oxygen and essential nutrients. Soil that has enough air and nutrients is easier for plants to grow in. Use a power aerator or a large shovel to do this.
If you do not want to dig up your lawn, use a shovel with an edge aerating blade. A power aerator is recommended but not required for the process of soil preparation and should only be used on hard-packed soil that has been compacted by heavy machinery or foot traffic. Soil should never be left wet after it is aerated because this can cause root rot which leads to mold and fungus growth and can kill your plants.
Be careful when using pesticides as the wrong application or type of pesticide and completely destroy any progress you have already made. To help get rid of weeds and other plant life, use a herbicide. For an organic alternative, mix vinegar, and water in equal parts in a spray bottle. Spray the vinegar mixture on your plants, then let them soak in it for 3-5 minutes. Finally, rinse off your plants with fresh water to wash off the acidic vinegar mixture. This solution will kill all of your weeds. and other plants, leaving your lawn fresh and green.
As you aerate your soil, do not create trenches more than an inch deep down into the earth's surface. This will disturb the decaying plant roots that live in a zone called the rhizosphere where oxygen is scarce and conditions are perfect for weed germination. If you do create a trench deeper than an inch, only go as deep as is needed to be able to see light or ground-level grass growing through it.
Applying the right amount of grass seed to your lawn is also imperative to a healthy lawn. Make sure to use the correct amount on the grass seed bag for your lawn's square footage. For example, a two-hundred-square-foot lawn would require four pounds of grass seed.
Always be sure to water your lawn when required and not before! Letting your lawn dry out can be detrimental to the health of a grass seed. . Often times you will need to water your lawn more than once a day during the seedling stage. Sprinkling a light layer of hay over the top of your yard is also helpful as it helps with retaining moisture in your soil and preventing weed growth.